Livestock patients require special veterinarians who are dedicated to them. Our veterinarians know and understand all about cattle, sheep, goats and more. Since they know their patients and what is needed, they are able to treat them accordingly. They understand the medications that can be given and when. They truly understand how each animal is important to their owners and their farm.
Ranch Calls available to treat your cattle for the following:
- Sick and Injured Exams
- Vaccinations
- Deworming
- Trace Mineral
- Routine Pregnancy Checks
- Breeding Soundness (Semen Testing)
- Trichomonas Testing
- Bangs
- Fetus Testing
- Prolapsed Uterus
- Dystocias
- C-section
And other surgical and preventative procedures
Ranch Call and In-Clinic services provided to treat your Small Ruminants and Swine
- Sick and Injured Exams
- Vaccinations
- Disbudding / Dehorning
- Tail Docking
- Hoof Care
- Lameness Exams
- Parasite Control
- Pregnancy Exams
- C-sections
- Castrations
- Swine Spay/Castration
- Wound Care
- Disease Testing – CAE, CL, TB etc.
- Radiography
- Sick and Injured exams available in clinic